Imagine a world…

…Where personalised medical attention is universally available, sustainable living tackles homelessness head on and the middle man between production lines and the consumer is non-existent. This is not an episode from Star Trek: The Next Generation involving food replicators (hmm, there’s an idea…) or an overzealous pyramid scheme but the plausible future made possible by 3D Printing.

This form of ‘additive manufacturing’ (AM) has existed within the industrial market for some time, but has only recently blasted through the consumer market, dramatically changing the way we process and incorporate 3D technology, manage industrial wastes, and perhaps triggering the next industrial revolution. Custom made bobble-heads anyone?

If you still are not convinced, or you simply wish to quench your curiosity, here is a infographic by Lomiko Metals which explains the function and potential of this groovy technology.

For a more technical explanation, head over to the guys and gals at THRE3D. Here you will find comprehensive overviews of the various types of desktop printers, showcases of current up and coming designs, as well as a guide to help you find the printer of your dreams. Enjoy!




2 thoughts on “Imagine a world…

  1. Crazy to think of all the ways 3D printing will change how we use and value materials, especially thinking about your point about sustainable living and homelessness. Excited to see what 3D printing means for our future!!


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